
Artistic Fireplace Sales Categories

We have created these Sales Categories to satisfy the needs of the individual that has the intention to buy a fireplace or that wants to construct an original and unique area surrounding the fireplace that represents their esthetic tastes. To accomplish this we can provide a complete fireplace with all its coordinating components or only the internal unit or a particular external structure.
Therefore we please ask of you to refer to the following three sales categories, hoping that you can find the category that will satisfy your particular requirements and provide you with a basis of information that is useful.

This sales category offers the most complete service, permitting the customer to have an installed and functioning fireplace complete in all senses, material and sentimental. We have the possibility to supply famous brand names as well as those manufactured by us.

  • Flexible scheduling
  • Custom Designed and Fabricated
  • Professional Advice, Technical assistance and Installation
  • Service after sale

Reserved for architects, technical studios and building contractors.
In this category we offer our accumulated experience to those who need to insert the fireplace in accordance with the decorative theme of the new construction or renovation.

  • Project execution
  • Consultation
  • Installation upon request
  • Special offers

Reserved for skilled "do it yourself" individuals
This category is more dedicated to the economic aspect, giving the customer the possibility to realize savings utilizing the do it yourself concept by reducing to the minimum the expenses of transport, technical assistance, consultation and installation.

  • Self Service
via Statale, 46/b - 25080 Toscolano Maderno (Brescia) lago di Garda - tel fax 0365 540012 - E-mail: info@jolly2garden.it